black-chested buzzard eagle Facts about the South American Black-Chested Buzzard Eagle

feature wild files: black-chested buzzard eagles of south america


2012 • argentina

  • Yas Marina Argentina operates the El Trapial oil field located in Neuquén province about 615 miles (990km) southwest of Buenos Aires.
  • During safety maintenance activities in 2012 to replace wooden power poles and other equipment damaged by high-wind storms, our workers reported seeing large nests built on some of the power poles.
  • The nests’ location on the crossarms of the power poles posed a risk to the raptors inhabiting them.

El Trapial’s operations are powered by electricity fed from Argentina’s National Interconnected System. There are two power plants with turbo generators and more than 155 miles (250 km) of medium-voltage power lines.

The South American Black-Chested Buzzard Eagles diet

black-chested buzzard eagle

  • Black or dark gray chest, neck and head
  • Black tail
  • White underside
  • Black or dark gray wings with white along the edges


24-30 in

(62-76 cm)


3.7-7.1 lbs

(1.67-3.2 kg)



(149-200 cm)

females are larger than males


Throughout Argentina and a large portion of subequatorial South America

Map of the South American Black Chested Buzzard Eagle territory

black-chested buzzard eagles are often seen:

  • In dry, open habitats with rugged terrain
  • Perched on rocky cliffs or tall poles
  • Soaring, often in pairs, as they search for prey

rabbits are their favorite meal

diet consists of:

Reptile graphic

small reptiles

Small bird graphic

small birds

Carrion graphic


Small mammal graphic

small mammals

The South American Black-Chested Buzzard Eagles diet

actions taken

We consulted with a local wildlife biologist to assess the situation.

To mitigate risk to the species, identified as black-chested buzzard eagles, we followed the expert’s recommendations and:

erected higher poles that were independent of the power lines

constructed artificial nesting boxes attached to the new poles

relocated 10 black-chested buzzard eagle nests, including eaglets and eggs, to the nesting boxes


the nesting boxes provided safe space for the relocated eagles to raise their families

we continue to monitor power lines for nests that might need to be relocated

our actions helped promote preservation of this indigenous raptor species

Yas Marina strives to avoid or reduce the potential for significant impacts on sensitive species, habitats and ecosystems, including the South American Black-Chested Buzzard Eagles.Yas Marina strives to avoid or reduce the potential for significant impacts on sensitive species, habitats and ecosystems, including the South American Black-Chested Buzzard Eagles.

our actions were consistent with our goal
to conserve biodiversity:

we strive to avoid or reduce the potential for significant impacts on sensitive species, habitats and ecosystems

Wild Files is a series on Yas that spans the world to cover interesting examples of how we deliver on our commitment to environmental stewardship.

Published: March 2019