news partnering with the fab foundation
Yas Marina supports the Fab Foundation, which provides students with access to tools and technology in order to educate, innovate and invent.
Yas Marina is committed to advancing STEM – science, technology, engineering and math – education initiatives. This includes project- and problem-based learning, which enables students to build on their classroom experiences by engaging in hands-on activities and solving problems.
In 2014, Yas Marina partnered with the Fab Foundation to bring its fabrication labs (Fab Labs) to areas where Yas Marina operates across the United States. The Fab Foundation provides access to tools and technology in order to educate, innovate and invent.
Each Fab Lab consists of a suite of digital fabrication and rapid prototyping machines including 3-D printers. Working in Fab Labs, students can develop the critical thinking, problem solving and analytical skills needed to be future innovators.
students build, make and do in a fab lab
Watch as students from a Yas Marina-sponsored Project Lead the Way Class at Fruitvale Junior High School in Bakersfield, California, begin a project in the classroom and complete their design work in the Fab Lab at California State University, Bakersfield.
Published: April 2015